Forth and Tay members
Business type: Marine
Contact: Matthew Heyman, Business Development
Address: Montrose Port, South Quay, Ferryden, Montrose DD109SL
Countries worked in: UK, Norway, West Africa, US, Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt
InterMoor provide a range of mooring installation and marine services for the maritime, oil & gas and renewables sectors, such as
• Mooring analysis and feasibility studies
• survey and positioning,
• asset moves and marine services, procedures, tow master and client representatives
• mooring pre-lay and installation, mooring connection
• mooring integrity management, inspection and analysis
• Mooring and Lifting Equipment for Sale or Rental
Good capacity and some experience in supplying the sector
- Pre-Construction Development Phase (DEVEX): Front End Engineering & Design Studies
- CAPEX - Balance of Plant - Manufacture / Supply Services: Marine Coordination or Shipping Services
Capabilities to supply, but no/limited experience in the sector
- Pre-Construction Development Phase (DEVEX): Seabed Bethnic Surveys
- Pre-Construction Development Phase (DEVEX): Geophysical Surveys
- DEVEX - Project Management & QA Services: Specialist tools, parts, PPE, lifesaving, chandlery
- CAPEX - Balance of Plant - Manufacture / Supply Services: Foundation structure (GBF/Monopile/ Floating/Jacket) & crew access systems
- CAPEX - Balance of Plant - Manufacture / Supply Services: Offshore Equipment Services
- CAPEX - Balance of Plant - Manufacture / Supply Services: Vessels or Vessel Equipment Provision
- OPEX - Operations & Maintenance: Marine Operations
- OPEX - Operations & Maintenance: Lifting, climbing & safety equipment & inspections
- Decommissioning: Decommissioning
Ambitions to diversify in the sector
- CAPEX - Balance of Plant - Manufacture / Supply Services: Cable Protection
Other services offered
- InterMoor provide a range of mooring installation and marine services for the maritime, oil & gas and renewables sectors, such as • Mooring analysis and feasibility studies• survey and positioning, • asset moves and marine services, procedures, tow master and client representatives • mooring pre-lay and installation, mooring connection • mooring integrity management, inspection and analysis• Mooring and Lifting Equipment for Sale or Rental
Case studies
InterMoor supported an oil & gas client who deployed the PB3 PowerBuoy to serve as an autonomous intelligent platform to provide communications and remote monitoring services at the Huntington field in the UK sector of the central North Sea. OPT’s PB3 can act as an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) which constantly recharges itself by harvesting energy from the waves. It is ocean-deployed, moored and floats over the point of use and can operate in any ocean depth over 20 meters and up to 3,000 meters
Contract type: NA
Value: NA
InterMoor was the Project Manager for the installation of the buoy, providing mooring analysis, anchors and mooring equipment, vessel charter and offshore personnel to install the moorings and connect the buoy.